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Happy 35th Anniversary Macross!
last modified: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 (12:42:40 PM CST)
Can you believe it? On October 3rd, 1982, over 35 years ago, the first episode of The Super Dimension Fortress Macross aired in Japan! Happy 35th Anniversary, Macross! Now let's get this party started! Cheers!
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Happy Birthday to Noriko Ohara voice of Claudia LaSalle in Macross!
last modified: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 (12:28:10 PM CST)
Happy Belated Birthday Noriko Ohara! She is the awesome voice behind Claudia LaSalle in Macross TV and DYRL. Noriko turned 82 on October 1st. Amidst the sad news over the recent Macross team member passing, lets celebrate those who are with us and thank them for the memories. Cheers!
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Big West Founder/Producer of Macross Yoshimasa Ohnishi Passes Away
last modified: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 (12:21:28 PM CST)
In case you just joined us, the Founder of Big West, and producer of Macross, Yoshimasa Ohnishi, has passed away. He served on the planning team for Macross projects, including Macross Do You Remember Love, SDFM TV, Macross II movie, Macross Plus OVA, Macross Plus movie, Macross 7, Orguss TV, Southern Cross TV, and as the executive producer for Orguss 02 OVA, and other titles.

Source: Renato Rusca https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1397060917059223&set=gm.1747264578638019&type=3&theater&ifg=1
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Macross/Gunbuster Producer Minoru Takanashi Passes Away
last modified: Thursday, September 21, 2017 (12:57:58 PM CST)
In case you just joined us, veteran Bandai Visual anime producer Minoru Takanashi passed away. He served on most Macross projects, including Macross II, Macross Plus, Macross 7, Macross Zero, and the proposed but unproduced live-action Macross movie. He was also Bandai Visual's producer or project planner behind such popular anime as Gundam 0080, Gundam 0083, Gunbuster, Giant Robo, Vision of Escaflowne TV, and Escaflowne movie, Cowboy Bebop movie, Dirty Pair, Shamanic Princess and Space Battleship Yamato 2199.
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Macross Composer Kazuhiko Katoh Found Hanged
last modified: Monday, October 19, 2009 (3:14:59 PM CST)
This just in case you missed it! "Kazuhiko Katoh, the co-founder of two musical bands and the composer of the main theme songs for The Super Dimension Fortress MACROSS: Do You Remember Love? and Windaria, was found hanged in his hotel room in Nagano Prefecture on Saturday, October 17, 2009. He was 62.

To many anime fans he is best know for his "... composed music for several projects, including Mari Iijima's "Do You Remember Love?" ("Ai , Oboeteimasu ka?") theme song for The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love?" Undeniably "Ai Oboeteimasu ka" remains enshrined in the hearts and minds of countless people. We encourage those of you unfamiliar with the song and Macross in general to watch Macross tv series, Macross Do You Remember Love, and Macross Flashback 2012.

Source: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2009-10-17/do-you-remember-love-composer-kazuhiko-kato-found-hanged

When was the first time you heard the song "Ai Oboeteimasu ka"? Does the song still possess good memories for you? Discuss and share!

Cheers! =)
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last modified: Thursday, September 03, 2009 (12:16:06 PM CST)
In case you just joined us, ADV Films, the once-mighty anime distributor in the U.S., has closed its doors. Read the following articles and discuss:


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Holiday Wishes To One and All
last modified: Monday, November 27, 2006 (7:20:14 PM CST)
As we rapidly approach the gift giving season and the end of the year holidays, I am clearly reminded it is not the things in life that make life so worth living, instead as an adult my lifelong wish is for the precious intangibles such as: world peace, neverending love, and friendship. With these ideals in mind, I want to wish everyone a safe, healthy, and financially sound holiday with their loved ones.

Please remember to take a moment to reflect on how truly blessed we are and to pray for our troops to return safely as well as for those in need.

Lastly, I encourage everyone to watch this video and listen to the song "My Grown Up Chrismas List" and its poignant messages. I actually prefer the Amy Grant version, but I could not find it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ5_YTgVTm8

Cheers and thanks for the memories 2006!
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Mari Iijima Live 2006!
last modified: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 (11:41:02 PM CST)
On an otherwise lazy Sunday afternoon in the city of San Francisco, overcast clouds gave way to the warmth of the sun. Gazing into the crowds, I could see lush pink cherry blossoms dancing in the wind, landing on the manmade waterfalls in Japantown's Peace Plaza. Sunday marked the final day of the 100 year anniversary of San Francisco's Cherry Blossom Festival and the faithful day for a live performance I have waited 20 years for.

As Mari performed all of her songs, I recall fondly the first time I heard her voice and the emotions that stirred within from long ago, during the Summer of 1984. In a sold out Hong Kong theatre I watched for the first time a magnificant movie that splendidly blended excellent animation and music into a film called Macross Do You Remember Love. Macross Ai oboeteimasuka is THE animated film that changed my life and first inspired me to explore the creative arts and become an animator.

Sadly, however, for the majority of the audience who watched Mari's performance, she was but an unknown Asian singer. Far be it from the truth, Mari's song writing, creative and performance talents are extraordinary; her involvement on the music scene spans over 19 albums! To me, Mari's music is painfully honest and speaks directly to the heart. I look forward to her soon to be released 20th album later this year! I wish her the absolute best of luck as she continues to promote her own musical creations and to gain widespread recognition as a true artist. And I too will work hard to do likewise and remember the example you set. Again, a heartfelt thanks to Mari for taking the time to visit the Bay Area and sharing her little slice of heaven.
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